These publications are the result of CAPS projects of recent years.

Farmland practices are driving bird population decline across Europe
Stanislas Rigal et al.

GPS tracking data of Eurasian oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus) from the Netherlands and Belgium
Henk-Jan van der KolkPeter DesmetKees OosterbeekAndrew M. AllenMartin J. BaptistRoeland A. BomSarah C. DavidsonJan de JongHans de KroonBert DijkstraRinus DilleropAdriaan M. DokterMagali FrauendorfTanja MilotićEldar RakhimberdievJudy Shamoun-BaranesGeert SpanogheMartijn van de PolGunther Van RyckegemJoost VanoverbekeEelke JongejansBruno J. Ens

More grazing, more damage? Assessed yield loss on agricultural grassland relates nonlinearly to goose grazing pressure
Nelleke H. Buitendijk, Monique de Jager, Menno Hornman, Helmut Kruckenberg, Andrea Kölzsch, Sander Moonen, Bart A. Nolet

Warming temperatures drive at least half of the magnitude of long-term trait changes in European birds
McLean N., Kruuk Loeske E. B., van der Jeugd Henk P., Leech David, van Turnhout Chris A. M., van de Pol Martijn

The hidden cost of disturbance: Eurasian Oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus) avoid a disturbed roost site during the tourist season
van der Kolk H., Ens B.J., Oosterbeek K., Jongejans E. & van de Pol M.

Love thy neighbour?-Spatial variation in density dependence of nest survival in relation to predator community
Frauendorf M., Allen A.M., Jongejans E., Ens B.J., Teunissen W., Kampichler C., Van Turnhout C.A.M., Bailey L.D., De Kroon H., Cremer J., Kleyheeg E., Nienhuis J. & Van de Pol M.

Integrated population modeling identifies low duckling survival as a key driver of decline in a European population of the Mallard
J N (Yannick) Wiegers, Eelke Jongejans, Chris A M van Turnhout, Loes van den Bremer, Henk van der Jeugd, Erik Kleyheeg

Searching for the causes of decline in the Dutch population of Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur
EHJ de Vries, RPB Foppen, H van der Jeugd, E Jongejans

State-dependent environmental sensitivity of reproductive success and survival in a shorebird
Jurrian van IrselMagali FrauendorfBruno J. EnsMartijn van de PolKarin TroostKees OosterbeekHans de KroonEelke JongejansAndrew M. Allen

Conceptualizing and quantifying body condition using structural equation modelling: a user guide
M Frauendorf, AM Allen, S Verhulst, E Jongejans, B Ens, H van der Kolk, H de Kroon, J Nienhuis, M van de Pol

Connecting foraging and roosting areas reveals how food stocks explain shorebird numbers
W Bakker, BJ Ens, A Dokter, H van der Kolk, K Rappoldt, M van de Pol, K Troost, HW van der Veer, AI Bijleveld, J van der Meer, K Oosterbeek, E Jongejans, AM Allen

Why time-limited individuals can make populations more vulnerable to disturbance
H van der Kolk, BJ Ens, M Frauendorf, E Jongejans, K Oosterbeek, W Bouten, M van de Pol

Efficient use of demographic data: Integrated Population Models
M Gamelon, SJG Vriend, ME Visser, CA Hallmann, STE Lommen, E Jongejans

Spatiotemporal variation in disturbance impacts derived from simultaneous tracking of aircraft and shorebirds
H van der Kolk, AM Allen, BJ Ens, K Oosterbeek, E Jongejans, M van de Pol

Mortality limits used in wind energy impact assessment underestimate impacts of wind farms on bird populations
P Schippers, R Buij, A Schotman, J Verboom, H van der Jeugd, E Jongejans

Reproduction and survival of Northern Wheatears Oenanthe oenanthe in a rapidly changing coastal dune landscape
C van Turnhout, F Majoor, T Zutt, M Madhavan, E Jongejans

Apparent breeding success drives long‐term population dynamics of a migratory swan
Rascha J. M. Nuijten, Stefan J. G. Vriend, Kevin A. Wood, Trinus Haitjema, Eileen C. Rees, Eelke Jongejans, Bart A. Nolet

Mortality limits used in wind energy impact assessment underestimate impacts of wind farms on bird populations
Schippers P., Buij R., Schotman A., Verboom J., van der Jeugd H. & Jongejans E.

Shorebird feeding specialists differ in how environmental conditions alter their foraging time
Van der Kolk H., Ens B.J., Oosterbeek K., Bouten W., Allen A.M., Frauendorf M., Lameris T.K., Oosterbeek T., Deuzeman S. & De Vries K.

Reduced avian body condition due to global warming has little reproductive or population consequences
McLean N., Van der Jeugd H.P., Van Turnhout C.A.M., Lefcheck J.S. & Van de Pol M.

Seasonal survival and migratory connectivity of the Eurasian Oystercatcher revealed by citizen science
Allen A.M., Ens B.J., Van de Pol M., Van der Jeugd H.P., Frauendorf M., Oosterbeek K., Jongejans E.

Colour-ring wear and loss effects in citizen science mark-resighting studies
Allen A.M., Ens B.J., Van de Pol M., Van der Jeugd H.P., Frauendorf M., Van der Kolk H.J., Oosterbeek K., Nienhuis J. & Jongejans E.

Habitat selection can reduce effects of extreme climatic events in a long‐lived shorebird
Bailey L.D., Ens B.J., Both C., Heg D., Oosterbeek K. & Van de Pol M.

Disturbance increases high tide travel distance of a roosting shorebird but only marginally affects daily energy expenditure
Linssen H., Van de Pol M., Allen A.M., Jans M., Ens B.J., Krijgsveld K.L., Frauendorf M. & Van der Kolk H.J.

Cumulative energetic costs of military aircraft, recreational and natural disturbance in roosting shorebirds
Van der Kolk H., Krijgsveld K.L., Linssen H., Diertens, R., Dolman, D., Jans, M., Frauendorf, M., Ens, B.J. & Van de Pol, M.

Low productivity and unsuitable management drive the decline of central European lapwing populations
Plard F., Bruns H. A., Cimiotti D. V., Helmecke A., Hötker H., Jeromin H., Roodbergen M., Schekkerman H., Teunissen W., Van der Jeugd H., & Schaub M.

High intra-specific variation in avian body condition responses to climate limits generalisation across species
McLean N., Van der Jeugd H.P. & Van de Pol M.

Arctic geese tune migration to a warming climate but still suffer from a phenological mismatch
Lameris T.K., Van der Jeugd H.P., Eichhorn G., Dokter A.M., Bouten W., Boom M.P., Litvin K.E., Ens B.J., & Nolet B.A.

Local amplification of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 viruses in wild birds in the Netherlands, 2016 to 2017
Poen M.J., Bestebroer T.M., Vuong O., Scheuer R.D., Van der Jeugd H.P., Kleyheeg E., Eggink D., Lexmond P., Van den Brand J.M.A., Begeman L., Van der Vliet S., Müskens G.J.D.M., Majoor F.A., Koopmans M.P.G., Kuiken T., & Fouchier R.A.M.

Do assessment thresholds underestimate the mortality impact of windfarms on bird populations?
Buij R., Schippers, Schotman A., Verboom J., van der Jeugd H. & Jongejans E.

Potential for an Arctic-breeding migratory bird to adjust spring migration phenology to Arctic amplification
Lameris T.K., Scholten I., Bauer S., Cobben M.M.P., Ens B.J. & Nolet B.A.

More than 75 percent decline over 27 years in total flying insect biomass in protected areas
Hallmann C.A., Sorg M., Jongejans E., Siepel H., Hofland N., Schwan H., Stenmans W., Müller A., Sumser H., Hörren T., Goulson D. & de Kroon H.

No phenotypic plasticity in nest-site selection in response to extreme flooding events
Bailey L.D., Ens B.J., Both C., Heg D., Oosterbeek K. & van de Pol M.

Deaths among wild birds during highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N8) virus outbreak, the Netherlands
Kleyheeg E., Slaterus R., Bodewes R., Rijks J.M., Spierenburg M.A.H., Beerens N., Kelder L., Poen M.J., Stegeman J.A., Fouchier,R.A.M., Kuiken T., & Jeugd H.P.

Management of a Dutch resident barnacle goose Branta leucopsis population: How can results from counts, ringing and hunting bag statistics be reconciled?
Van der Jeugd, H.P., & Kwak A.

Responses of wintering geese to the designation of goose foraging areas in The Netherlands
Koffijberg K., Schekkerman H., Van der Jeugd H.P., Hornman M., & Van Winden E.

Lack of virological and serological evidence for continued circulation of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 virus in wild birds in the Netherlands, 14 November 2014 to 31 January 2016
Poen M.J., Verhagen J.H., Manvell R.J., Brown I., Bestebroer T.M., van der Vliet S., Vuong O., Scheuer R.D., van der Jeugd H.P., Nolet B.A., Kleyheeg E., Müskens G.J.D.M., Majoor F.A., Grund C. & Fouchier R.A.

Environmental parameters linked to the last migratory stage of barnacle geese en route to their breeding sites
Shariati-Najafabadi M., Darvishzadeh R., Skidmore A.K., Kölzsch A., Exo K.M., Nolet B.A., Griffin L., Stahl J., Havinga P.J.M., Meratnia N. & Toxopeus A.G.

Stage-dependent survival in relation to timing of fledging in a migratory passerine, the Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
van Oosten H.H., Roodbegren M., Versluijs R., van Turnhout C.A.M.

Identifying the best climatic predictors in ecology and evolution
van de Pol M., Bailey L.D., McLean N., Rijsdijk L., Lawson C.R. & Brouwer L.

Demographic Changes Underpinning the Population Decline of Starlings Sturnus vulgaris in The Netherlands
Versluijs M., Van Turnhout C., Kleijn D., & Van der Jeugd, H.P.

Widespread Usutu virus outbreak in birds in the Netherlands, 2016
Rijks J., Kik M., Slaterus R., Foppen R., Stroo A., IJzer J., Stahl J., Gröne A., Koopmans M., Van der Jeugd H. P., & Reusken C.

Weersinvloeden op vogels doorgerekend met populatiemodellen
Hallmann, C., de Kroon, H., Foppen, R.P.B., Van der Jeugd, H. & Jongejans, E.

Satellite- versus temperature-derived green wave indices for predicting the timing of spring migration of avian herbivores
Shariati Najafabadi M., Darvishzadeh R., Skidmore A.K., Kölzsch A., Vrieling A., Nolet B.A., Exo K.M., Meratnia N., Havinga P.J.M., Stahl J. & Toxopeus A.G.

Wild bird surveillance around outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N8) virus in the Netherlands, 2014, within the context of global flyways
Verhagen J.H., van der Jeugd H.P., Nolet B.A., Slaterus R., Kharitonov S.P., de Vries P.P., Vuong O., Majoor F., Kuiken T. & Fouchier R.A.

Kennisoverzicht populatie-ontwikkeling Wilde Eend, krakeend, Kuifeend en Tafeleend in Nederland en omliggende landen
Van den Bremer L., Schekkerman H., van der Jeugd H., van Roomen M., van Winden E. & van Turnhout C.

Site-specific dynamics in remnant populations of Northern Wheatears Oenanthe oenanthe in the Netherlands
Van Oosten H.H., Van Turnhout C., Hallmann C.A., Majoor F., Roodbergen M., Schekkerman H., Versluijs R., Waasdorp S., Siepel H.

Een vergelijking van de voorjaarstrek van drie populaties Brandganzen met behulp van GPS-satellietzenders
de Boer R., Bauer S., van der Jeugd H.P., Ens B.J., Griffin L., Cabot D., Exo K.M., Nolet B.A. & Kölzsch, A.

The exception to the rule: Retreating ice front makes Bewick’s swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii migrate slower in spring than in autumn
Nuijten R.J.M., Kölzsch A., van Gils J.A., Hoye B.J., Oosterbeek K., de Vries P.P., Klaassen M. & Nolet B.A.

Pleisterplaatsen van geloggerde Kleine Zwanen
Nolet B.A., Kölzsch A., Oosterbeek K. & de Vries P.P.

Migratory herbivorous waterfowl track satellite-derived green wave index
Shariatinajafabadi M., Wang T., Skidmore A.K., Toxopeus A.G., Kölzsch A., Nolet B.A., Exo K.M., Griffin L., Stahl J. & Cabot D.

Naar een effectief en internationaal verantwoord beheer van de in Nederland overwinterende populatie Kolganzen (Anser albifrons).
Jongejans, E., Nolet, B. A., Schekkerman, H., Koffijberg, K., & de Kroon, H.

Declines in insectivorous birds are associated with high neonicotinoid concentrations
Hallmann C.A., Foppen R.P.B., Van Turnhout C.A.M, De Kroon H., Jongejans E.

Meadow bird conservation in The Netherlands – lessons from the past and future developments
Roodbergen M., Teunissen W.A.

Geïntegreerde monitoring van vogels van de Nederlandse Waddenzee
Van der Jeugd H., Ens B.J., Versluijs M., Schekkerman H.

Temporal Dynamics of Bird Community Composition: an Analysis of Base-line Conditions from Long-term Data
Kampichler C., Angeler D., Holmes R., Leito A., Svensson S., Van der Jeugd H.P. & Wesołowski T.

A global assessment of the conservation status of the nominate subspecies of Eurasian oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus ostralegus)
Van de Pol M. & Atkinson P., Blew J., Crowe O., Delany S., Duriez O., Ens B., Hälterlein B., Hötker H., Laursen K., Oosterbeek K., Petersen A., Thorup O., Tjørve K., Triplet P. & Yésou P.

Chapter Eight - The Study of Career Decisions: Oystercatchers as Social Prisoners
Ens B.J., Van de Pol M. & Goss-Custard J.D.

Lange termijn populatiedynamiek van de Blauwe Kiekendief op de Wadden: inzichten uit een geïntegreerd populatiemodel
Van Turnhout C., Hallmann C., De Boer P., Dijksen L., Klaassen O., Foppen R. & Van der Jeugd H.P.

Ecological strategies successfully predict the effects of river floodplain rehabilitation on breeding birds
Van Turnhout C.A.M., Leuven R.S.E.W., Hendriks A.J., Kurstjens G., Van Strien A., Foppen R.P.B. & Siepel H.

Large-scale changes in community composition: determining land use and climate change signals
Kampichler C., Van Turnhout C.A.M., Devictor V. & Van der Jeugd H.P.

Klimaatverandering, verhoogde overstromingsrisico’s en kwelderbroedvogels
Van de Pol M., Ens B.J., Bakker J.P. & Esselink P.

Birding for science and conservation. Explaining temporal changes in breeding bird diversity in the Netherlands.
Van Turnhout C.A.M.

Poor environmental tracking can make extinction risk insensitive to the colour of environmental noise
Van de Pol M., Vindenes Y., Sæther B.E., Engen S., Ens B.J., Oosterbeek K., Tinbergen J.M.

Do changes in the frequency, magnitude and timing of extreme climatic events threaten the population viability of coastal birds? 
Van de Pol M., Ens B.J., Heg D.H., Brouwer L., Krol J., Maier M., Exo K-M., Oosterbeek K., Lok T., Eising C. & Koffijberg K.

Effects of climate change and variability on population dynamics in a long-lived shorebird
Van de Pol M., Vindenes Y,, Sæther B.E., Engen S., Ens B.J., Oosterbeek K., Tinbergen J.M.

Life-history and ecological correlates of population change in Dutch breeding birds.
Van Turnhout C.A.M., Foppen R.P.B., Leuven R.S.E.W., Van Strien A. & Siepel H.